Live Recorded Consultation - EP 4
Non-verbal Autism, Multiple Ear Infections, Heavy Antibiotic Use
Live Recorded Consultation - EP 4 📢
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I have been saving n saving to get my first package. Since saving I have been told from RA now I have sjogrens disease! I refuse to believe in any of these labels! I know what’s going on n I know what I need trying desperately to get my first package! I know they are the absolute bomb n strong 💪! N completely comprehend the price point however; with everything today ? Between being a solitary woman n rent, insurance,electric etc all the things we r slaves to it’s so difficult to put a lil up every month but working on it! I can’t wait to do the 3 bitters! Meanwhile im fasting n doing mono fruit fasts. N what I can afford. Even the organic fruits n veggies r unbelievably expensive. N I’m not willing to compromise on that!
They did this to my son as well. It stripped his entire digestive system completely! I had a brand new baby boy that was covered head to toe in fish smelling unbelievable diarrhea every single morning! All over the crib the bumper pad, him it was just absolutely awful n exhausting! I was 21 n blamed myself what was I doing wrong? What did I do? This wasn’t normal! He was a happy boy but covered in feces every day. This is the point in my life when I STOPPED BELIEVING IN DRS, hospitals n the like! N something Changed in me! It seemed as though once Pandora’s box of herbs n natural remedies was opened up?? It was like I inherently knew certain things! Couldn’t say how I knew but it poured into the front of my mind as if from an ancient spiritual source! I couldn’t get enough n hence my study of herbalism began! I have never been one to conform anyway n have already been the one to ask why n please explain n I need more explanation knowledge n information!
These clowns didn’t even know what they did! They had put a little new born on CECLOR?? 😩 horrible strong strong antibiotic too strong for a child! He had contracted an ear infection n that was their reasoning for putting him on this horrible antibiotic! Well he spent his entire 1st year of life on prescription formulas, (made me stop breastfeeding n it broke my heart) , n behind metal bars in metal cribs in all kinds of specialty hospitals! We stayed at the Ronald McDonald house in Vermont! I mean I’m from Boston ? Some of the supposed BEST DRS? They put him on the BRAT diet banana, rice, applesauce, toast! Supposed to slow the digestion down! That didn’t work! Peanut butter? This is a baby!!! Meanwhile, I’m writing this boy letters long letters in his baby book crying until 2/3/4 am!! It was horrible! I was on my last nerve I never knew the human body was capable of producing soo many tears in my life n believe me (there have been a ton) this took the cake! I think all of us especially mothers have such a strong nurturing bond to our children that when we can’t heal them? Or trade places with them? Or take on their hurt pain n sickness 10fold? We feel lost sad aggravated soo many emotions some there aren’t words to put on them! I found this lil hole in the wall herb shop/iridology spot in Portsmouth Nh called the Mustard Seed ! I walked in careworn, exhausted, a mess, unkempt etc. I also had a baby girl right before him who was having all kinds of attention issues because I wasn’t all hers any longer ( that was extremely difficult) THIS WOMAN? Omgoodness! She came out saw me n broke down told her the entire thing (similar to here my apologies) SHE HAD SUCH A STRONG ESSENCE AROUND HER! She even looked like a Goddess! N her demeanor I mean everything sang peace , calm , heal, serenity! I felt at home in her presence! She told me what to do , explained exactly why, n what they had done to his system.. why it smelled like fish etc! So after seeing burnt children, children with cancer,limbs missing from parents that abused them n all kinds of things no one should ever see yet alone experience! My son was on his way! It was over, I could start getting some sort of life back n begin to see what that even looked like! My heart n soul goes all the way out to all the mothers dealing with their children being ill , sick or hurt as well as the family unit itself! Please do not blame yourself do not get lost in sadness worry n despair! Keep believing n OWNING THAT YOUR CHILD CAN, N will get well n that you have the tools n someone like Yahki and Salandrea (the beautiful queen who healed my lil man) n so many people that r out here to guide, educate, support, n empower! Trust n believe! N stay away from these $$ hungry drs that tell you anything to get, make n keep u sick, down, weak n ill n your children! Apologize for the rant this just hit me hard! It is so upsetting what this country is able to do n get away with n how irresponsible some ppl are. I’m speaking in general. Not this instance but the entire framework of health in this society! Health has absolutely nothing to do with anything here! Ppl want to just be sheep n sit back n put anything n everything in their mouths n be sheep 🐑! Gluttony, n laziness n never taking responsibility for their own bodies! N worshipping a dr ( while u pay his golf membership) n bitching about your health?? Ugh I just can’t! It’s so simple common sense yet??
Ok I’m done lol!
To all the parents YOU CAN MOST DEFINITELY HEAL YOUR CHILDREN your family n most of all yourself! Educate yourself. Take your health into YOUR HANDS N HEAL n prevent! If you have your health u have?? Ya everything! Peace n Serenity to everyone! N Thank you Yahki !
Hey Yah'ki, my name is Tia. I have a son who is on the spectrum. I really really want to book a consult with you. Please guide me on how to do that.
Is there any updates on this consultation? How's the son doing now?